Broken Belt In Tire: Don’t Ignore Its Causes And Symptoms

broken belt in tire

There are several factors that can cause a broken belt in tires, such as overloading the vehicle, hitting potholes or curbs, driving on poorly maintained roads, and the natural aging and wear of the tire. As a tire expert, pay attention to any uneven or bumpy ride experiences, including vibrations or unusual noises coming from the tires. 

What Happens If You Do not Rotate Your Tires?

What happens if you do not rotate your tires

Tire rotation is essential for distributing wear and tear evenly across all tires, but what happens if you do not rotate your tires? Tire rotation plays a crucial role in maximizing the lifespan and performance of your tires. When you fail to rotate your tires regularly, certain consequences can arise that may have an adverse impact on both your vehicle and your safety.